Honda Snow Blowers

Make everyday life easy with a Honda snowblower, trusted since 1981. Honda single-stage, two-stage and hybrid snowblowers are exceptionally quiet, efficient and easy to use. Powered by reliable Honda 4-stroke engines, they start reliably in cold weather and help power through winter. (from

Why Buy Honda Snow Blowers?

“Considering cost, performance, maintenance, and features, the best blower from Honda has to be the Honda HSS724ATD 198cc Two-Stage Electric Start Track Snow Blower. Although it isn’t as powerful as a couple of other machines by Honda, it definitely handles big banks”, from

Types of Honda Snow Blowers:

Honda makes several models of snow blowers that include:

  • 50.8 cm (20 in), Auger Assist
  • 50.8 cm (20 in), Auger Assist, ES
  • 50.8 cm (20 in), Auger Assist, PRO
  • 55 cm (22 in), Track Drive
  • 55 cm (22 in), Track Drive ES
  • 71 cm (28 in), Wheel Drive
  • 60.5 cm (24 in), Track Drive
  • 60.5 cm (24 in), Track Drive, ES
  • 71 cm (28 in), Track Drive
  • 71 cm (28 in), Track Drive, ES
  • 81 cm (32 in), Track Drive
  • 81 cm (32 in), Track Drive, ES
  • 92 cm (36 in), Track Drive, Hybrid i-Control, ES

Honda Snow Blower Reviews

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“This Honda snowblower worked like a charm.. Started on the first pull. And it has electric start for me. Went through 20 plus inches of snow like nothing.”

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“I got this 3 snows ago and even though I got the electric start it starts on the 1st or second pull. Clears heavy snow and even the stuff at the end of the drive left by the plow. Great product.”

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“I specifically looked for a snowblower with a Honda motor as I believe Honda makes the absolute best motor in the business! I was not disappointed with this machine.”

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“I bought the snowblower in December 2020 for a snow storm we were getting of up to 1 foot of shower. I took it out the next day to clear the driveway and sidewalks and it worked great. Not sure why I waited 10 years to get a blower.”


Snow Blower vs Snow Removal Service

Still having trouble deciding whether to buy a snowblower? Consider the following:

1. Your Time is Valuable

Life is busy… kids, family, and work can often get in the way. Shoveling snow is just another task that you don’t need. One of the main reasons homeowners choose a snow removal service is because they value their time and don’t enjoy clearing snow.

2. Snow Blowers Are Inconvenient

A snow blower takes time to use, clean, and maintain. Imagine having to pull out the snowblower every time it snows or when the snowplow blocks your driveway. It could be early in the morning or in the middle of the day. Do you want to go through the hassle?

3. More Money Than You Think

There is a hefty cost in buying a snowblower, but many homeowners think that once purchased, you will save more money. Consider the time it takes to maintain and use a snowblower. It costs about $100/year for annual snowblower maintenance (oil change, lubrication, and more), plus the time it takes you to bring your snowblower for servicing. Consider how much your time is worth when deciding to use a snow removal service or buying a snowblower.

4. Operating Snow Blowers and Shoveling Snow Increase the Risk of Heart attacks

Snow shoveling and pushing a snowblower are known triggers for heart attacks, according to Harvard Health. Rarely exercising and cold weather both boost blood pressure, interrupt blood flow to part of the heart, and make blood more likely to form clots.

If you would like to chat about the pros and cons of a snow removal service, please do give J.R Lawn and Snow at (613) 229-4803. We are one of Ottawa’s largest snow removal companies and trusted by thousands of clients with clearing their driveways every year.